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Spirit Psyche Integration (SPI)

Master Your Darkside, Integrate Your Trauma, End Your Suffering, Heal Your Relationships, Discover Your Purpose,
& Learn How to Help Others Without Causing Harm

"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."

Rumi ~

Why Choose Spirit Psyche Integration (SPI)?

Spirit Psyche Integration (SPI) is an in-depth, ongoing, all round transformational experience that facilitates profound personal growth & self-mastery within a community setting. 

Combining somatic therapy, parts work (shadow work), inner-child work, self-inquiry, hypnosis, and expanded states meditation, SPI offers a comprehensive journey designed to empower people to master their shadow aspects, integrate trauma, end suffering, heal relationships, discover their purpose, and support others without causing harm. 

This unique approach to healing and transformation supports each student's journey toward authentic living and inner harmony, emphasizing the importance of building healthy relationships and aligned friendships along the way. 

SPI is designed to equip all of its students with the wisdom, knowledge, and skills traditionally reserved for therapists and gurus, enabling those who are ready for growth and expansion to find the answers within, rather than seeking them without. 

Many seekers, creatives, and healers with a profound desire to heal themselves and positively impact others find their way to SPI.

Program Overview

Spirit Psyche Integration is the culmination of more than a decade of work and research, drawing from numerous modalities, and bodies of work including:

  • Anatomy & Physiology

  • Neuroscience of Emotion

  • The Biology of Belief

  • Chinese Medicine

  • Somatic Experiencing

  • Trauma & Fragmentation

  • Inner-Child Work

  • Jungian Archetypal Psychology

  • Parts Work & Shadow Work

  • Existential Kink & Shadow Work

  • Integral Theory 

  • The Kybalion & Laws of Life

  • Quantum Hypnosis 

  • Quantum Shifting 

  • Shamanic Meditation

  • Visionary Meditation

  • Spiral Dynamics

  • The Gene Keys

  • Mirrors of Relationship

  • Theta Healing & Energy Work


“Integrated and embodied inner work within a community setting is the best therapy you can have"

~ The Community

An Integrative Approach

Currently the Western curriculum for healing and transformation favors IQ above all else. Students are learning about “health” but graduating exhausted, anxious, emotionally immature, with little to no real connection to Spirit.

However, the real problem isn’t “the system”... 

It has, and always will be, your perception of separation - meaning that until your education combines philosophy, experience, spirituality, and imagination into an integrative whole, you are likely going to remain feeling stuck.

Many seekers have already figured this out and have decided to take matters into their own hands, either flocking to the jungle to drink ayahuasca or seeking alternative forms of therapy. 

And who can blame them? 

The imbalance between the head and the heart has become so great that people are attempting to swing back to the other side of the spectrum.

The problem we are now facing is that people are rebelling against the mind, calling it the ego, and attempting to find teachers, gurus, and shamans to help them purge it out of themselves.

However, intelligent transformation doesn’t get rid of the mind, it seeks to balance all the forces of life, exploring deeply the connection between the mind, body, emotions, and Spirit. 

You do not want to throw out the sciences for psychedelics, nor do you want to abandon the realms of emotion, imagination, or consciousness for what you can see under a microscope.

If self-mastery is what you seek you're going to have to ditch the conventional path and forge your own way forward; seeking to intelligently understand the universe and your place in it.
"When your IQ meets your EQ in the garden of creativity (CQ), you'll unlock the door to Wisdom—
And Wisdom in action will change the world"

Holly Achaya ~

What You Get

Ongoing support through live group therapy sessions, in-depth class presentations, and weekly practice sessions with other SPI students.
Lifetime access to SPI, including deep-dive modules, high-quality video lessons, audio recordings, PDFs,  recorded meditations, and a SPI manule.
An in-depth curriculum that covers trauma, somatics, parts work, shadow work, inner child work, and expanded states of consciousness.
Comprehensive study guides, homework exercises, and bonus content for those who are wanting to start an online transformational business.

What You Will Learn

✓ How to cultivate a profound and meaningful connection to your inner reality
✓ How to befriend your shadows and deeply trust the wisdom within you
✓ A comprehensive understanding of the neuroscience of emotions and trauma
✓ How to expand your intelligence and significantly improve your relationships
✓ The skills for guiding effective somatics, parts work, and inner-child healing
✓ How to guide people into deep hypnotic states in order to gain insight
✓ How to integrate philosophical, experiential, and profound spiritual knowledge
✓ How to live a happy, healthy, and truly authentic life as a human being

The Dojo

Each week, students gather for a 3-hour live call known as "The Dojo." After spending the week studying a specific topic at their own pace, students come together in the Dojo to put theory into practice. This is where group healing processes are guided, new concepts and healing tools are taught, and students are paired in Zoom rooms to practice what they have learned with each other.

​Recognizing that many traumas originate from relationships, the Dojo offers a vital opportunity for healing to happen in a safe environment with others. Here, deep-seated wounds are addressed, personal growth is witnessed, and authentic friendships are formed. The Dojo is truly the lifeblood of SPI, providing a space for personalized support and transformation. As a student, you’ll have lifelong access to the dojo.

Connection is the cure. Community is the medicine.

SPI integrates theory, practice, and community, in order to create an environment that supports continuous growth and irreversible transformation.

The curriculum can be revisited as many times as needed, allowing students to benefit from ongoing support, and the development of deep, meaningful relationships with others on the same journey.


Ongoing Access to Therapy

Having ongoing access to Spirit Psyche Integration (SPI) offers unparalleled value, encompassing continuous therapy, ongoing training, a dedicated practice space, and a supportive community. 

This lifetime access ensures that SPI students can revisit and refine their skills and healing processes indefinitely, providing long-term personal growth and sustained transformation. 
The opportunity to engage with a community of like-minded individuals, receive consistent support, and access updated tools and techniques is invaluable. ​

"I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion
—and where it isn't, that's where my work lies."

~ Ram Dass


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Foundations of Healing & Integration:

This foundational module sets the stage for your journey into healing and integration. It delves into essential principles that will be taught throughout SPI, including the roadmap you'll be following to help you master your dark side, integrate your trauma, end your suffering, heal your relationships, and learn how to help others without causing harm. After you complete foundations you'll be ready to cross the threshold and start your hero's journey with SPI.

Microdosing Protocols & the Brain:

Understand the safe and intentional use of microdosing in enhancing cognitive function, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. This module covers microdosing protocols, the science of psilocybin, and research from the Huberman Lab. You'll explore the psychedelic experience, expanded states of consciousness, and meditations to meet the spirit of mushrooms, using insights from the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Biology, Thoughts, & DNA:

Investigate the interplay between biology, perception, and epigenetics in personality development. Learn about the biology of belief, DNA transcription and translation, and the principle of vibration. This module teaches you how to use the mind to heal the body and maintain a high body budget, exploring the profound connection between thoughts and biological processes.

Ceremonial Grade Cacao:

Here you'll explore the ceremonial and therapeutic uses of cacao. You'll learn how to prepare a perfect cup of cacao and how to incorporate it into a personal ritual. You'll discover what makes cacao 100% ceremonial grade, its history, and its science and nutritional benefits. As a facilitator, you'll gain skills to work with cacao, meditate to meet its spirit, and harness its potential for emotional healing and spiritual insight.

Neuroscience of Emotions:

Dive into the scientific basis of emotions, understanding how they are made, processed in the brain, and their impact on behavior. This module covers the nervous system, the process of programming, and emotional concepts and language categories. You'll explore the journey from sensorial data to brain predictions to emotions and behavior, integrating the Law of Attraction and various meditation types.

The Six Human Needs:

This module explores integrative intelligence, the Causal, Buddha, Atomic, and Buddha natures, and the seven hermetic laws governing reality. You'll delve into the six human needs and their role in both experiencing trauma & healing; gaining a deeper understanding of how these needs shape our experiences and drive personal expansion.

Foundations of Healing & Integration:

This foundational module sets the stage for your journey into healing and integration. It delves into essential principles that will be taught throughout SPI, including the roadmap you'll be following to help you master your dark side, integrate your trauma, end your suffering, heal your relationships, and learn how to help others without causing harm. After you complete foundations you'll be ready to cross the threshold and start your hero's journey with SPI.

Microdosing Protocols & the Brain:

Understand the safe and intentional use of microdosing in enhancing cognitive function, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. This module covers microdosing protocols, the science of psilocybin, and research from the Huberman Lab. You'll explore the psychedelic experience, expanded states of consciousness, and meditations to meet the spirit of mushrooms, using insights from the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Biology, Thoughts, & DNA:

Investigate the interplay between biology, perception, and epigenetics in personality development. Learn about the biology of belief, DNA transcription and translation, and the principle of vibration. This module teaches you how to use the mind to heal the body and maintain a high body budget, exploring the profound connection between thoughts and biological processes.

The Five Intelligences: 

Discover the impact of different types of intelligence on your level of understanding and consciousness. This module explores IQ (intellect), EQ (emotions), CQ (creativity), KQ (body), and SQ (spirit). You'll learn how these intelligences influence your perception, behavior, and overall well-being, and how to cultivate each one for a balanced and enriched life.

Somatic Movement & SIBAM:

Explore somatic experiencing and the SIBAM model (Sensation, Image, Behavior, Affect, Meaning) for trauma resolution. This module teaches you how to use somatic movement to complete trauma-related movements and facilitate healing. You'll gain practical skills to integrate these techniques into your practice, enhancing your ability to support others in their journeys toward resolution.

Space Holding & Parts Work 2:

Learn the art of holding space in therapeutic settings and integrate more parts work techniques into your toolbelt. This module covers storytelling, the digging technique, the two-chair exercise, the elevator technique, the conference room, and the higher self shift. You'll develop skills to create a safe and supportive environment for clients to meet, talk with, and reclaim exiled aspects of themself. 

Negative E-motional Concepts:

Identify and transform negative emotional patterns and beliefs hindering personal expansion. This module covers the Buddha's Four Noble Truths, compensation, emotional Vipassana, the vibrational scale, the law of polarity, 16 negative emotional concepts, natural emotions, emotional investigation, trapped emotions, the power of emotional pain, alchemy, Tonglin and more.

Self inquiry & an Invitation to Freedom:

Deeply investigate the nature of the self, going beyond mental limitations into the experience of the All. This module explores Ramana Maharshi's self-enquiry, the Invitation to Freedom technique, entering oneness, the present moment, unique entry points to the self, and understanding the principle of gender from the Kybalion.


Lucid Dreaming & Lucid Meditation:

Use lucid dreaming for conscious healing and navigating visionary meditations. This module includes teachings from Lazaris and Bashar, the templar reality, creating your reality within dreams, using lucid dreaming for healing, and five unique techniques for lucid dreaming and visionary meditations. Plus access to a bonus lucid dreaming vault.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis:

Quantum Healing Hypnosis utilizes hypnosis to access deep subconscious patterns. Participants learn about brain wave states, trance induction, and past life exploration. The module covers techniques for communicating with the higher self, using hypnosis to heal and expand consciousness, and conducting group hypnosis sessions. 


Spiral Dynamics ⎸ Blue & Orange:

Focusing on the blue and orange stages of Spiral Dynamics, this module addresses issues of shame, guilt, evil, superiority, failure, greed, and inadequacy. The process involves confronting and transforming deep, subconscious ancestral programming related to blue and orange dynamics.

The Mirror of Judgment & Criticism:

This module focuses on reflective practices to explore and transform patterns of judgment and criticism towards self and others. Participants learn about the mirror of judgment, using relationships to uncover their own self-critic. The module covers the 'prison warden' and the judge within, employing parts work to resolve these internal conflicts.

The Mirror of the Mother & the Father:

Students learn about the surrogate roles their parents play for the divine, and also delve into the principle of gender. Participants are guided through spiritual puberty as they are shown how to reclaiming gender polarities, and leave their parents home metaphorically. Techniques for forgiving parents and reconciling with the divine are both used.

Narcissism & Codependency:

This module explores narcissistic and codependent relationships, helping participants understand and embrace their own narcissistic patterns. Techniques for reclaiming the unclaimable and loving the unlovable are introduced, guiding participants towards healthier relationships, leaving behind drama and ending harmful relational patterns.

Ceremonial Grade Cacao:

Here you'll explore the ceremonial and therapeutic uses of cacao. You'll learn how to prepare a perfect cup of cacao and how to incorporate it into a personal ritual. You'll discover what makes cacao 100% ceremonial grade, its history, and its science and nutritional benefits. As a facilitator, you'll gain skills to work with cacao, meditate to meet its spirit, and harness its potential for emotional healing and spiritual insight.

Neuroscience of Emotions:

Dive into the scientific basis of emotions, understanding how they are made, processed in the brain, and their impact on behavior. This module covers the nervous system, the process of programming, and emotional concepts and language categories. You'll explore the journey from sensorial data to brain predictions to emotions and behavior, integrating the Law of Attraction and various meditation types.

The Six Human Needs:

This module explores integrative intelligence, the Causal, Buddha, Atomic, and Buddha natures, and the seven hermetic laws governing reality. You'll delve into the six human needs and their role in both experiencing trauma & healing; gaining a deeper understanding of how these needs shape our experiences and drive personal expansion.

Trauma & Psychological Fragmentation:

In this module you'll learn how trauma can fragment the psyche and lead to disconnection. This module explores hyperarousal, dissociation, and the fight-flight-freeze response. You'll learn about psychological fragmentation, memory storage and recall, survival strategies, and how to heal through completing the movement; integrating somatic experiencing & SIBAM.

Multiple Personalities & Parts Work 1:

Study the concept of multiple selves within the psyche and employ parts work techniques for inner understanding and harmony. This module covers traumatic socialization, personality fragments, exiled selves, manager selves, and firefighter selves. You'll explore the self and personality, the drama triangle, and the qualities of friendship, using parts work exercises for transformation and relationship healing.

Healing the Inner Child:

This module offers a comprehensive approach to healing childhood wounds. You'll learn a multi-layered 19-stage process, including safety, time travel, the quicksand technique, somatic processing, resourcing the child, leaving the memory, reflection, gathering wisdom, reconciliation of the past, merging, and recreation. This is a powerful, and complete process for transformation.

Positive E-motional Concepts:

Cultivate positive emotional states through quantum shifting into higher vibrational experiences. This module covers manifestation, quantum shifting, parallel realities, the Dream Beyond the Dream technique, heart-brain coherence, creating new emotions, the congruent point of energy, energy to matter, preparing the body for light activation, and embodying higher energy states.

Channeling & Intuition:

Explore methods to access intuitive wisdom and channel higher guidance. This module covers the science of channeling, different states of consciousness, tools and techniques for becoming a channel, channeling from the morphogenic field, guiding clients to channel, and working with intuition as a channel.

Accessing Expanded States:

Utilize meditation techniques to access altered states of consciousness for healing, insight, and spiritual growth. This module covers breath transformation, compassion, the go to glow technique, liquid light meditation, personality annihilation, beginners mind, ZaZen practice, and the contemplation of the Hsin Hsin Ming.

Spiral Dynamics ⎸ Purple & Red:

In this module, participants dive into the Spiral Dynamics model, specifically focusing on the purple and red stages, which encompass primal fears, superstition, power dynamics, aggression, and violence. Through visionary meditation, participants enter these worlds to confront and heal these aspects.


Spiral Dynamics ⎸ Green & Yellow

Focusing on integrating the green & yellow stages of Spiral Dynamics we explore the shadows of self-criticism, radical activism as a "resucrer" archetype, judgment, unhealthy God complexes, spiritual bypassing, people pleasing, unhealthy polyamory, poor boundary setting, intellectual arrogance, superiority, separation and loneliness. 

The Mirror of Attraction & Magnetism: 

Here students learn about the law of magnetism and attraction, and how to use this mirror to discover lost forgotten, or banished aspects of their 'magnetic' self. We also addresses fears of embracing your inner-most light and integrating unconditional love back into the main personality structure - and why that's so frightening.

The Dark Night of the Soul & Death

This module delves into the dark night of the soul and the concepts of death, transition, and rebirth. Participants explore transformation through surrender, navigating the darkest moments of awakening, loss, grief, and navigating the vast unknown in order to emerging a butterfly with a renewed sense of purpose and understanding.


Working with Addiction & Compulsion:

Here students investigate the roots of addiction and come to understand that addiction is an effect not a cause. All the tools and techniques learned throughout SPI are utilized for addressing compulsive behaviors and letting go of coping mechanisms so that people can be freed from their addictions in a truly healthy and compassionate way.

After Modules

The Modules

Meet Your Guide


Holly Achaya defies the conventions of a typical healer or spiritual teacher—intense, rebellious, passionate, and a unique amalgamation described affectionately by her students as part alien, part angel. Beyond titles, her mission on this planet is to help bridge the gap between the head and the heart, the sciences and the Spirit, so that people have the opportunity to turn knowledge into wisdom, heal their relationships, and create a more beautiful world together.

When she was 23, her heart was shattered, and she lost all faith in the Western healing system. This catapulted her into a spiritual quest through India, seeking both God and resolve. Here she met a woman who, instead of providing solace, manipulated and distorted spiritual teachings, plunging her into an even deeper psychological hell. The agony of this experience ignited an unwavering passion and a desire to heal herself and help others heal without causing harm.

Although Holly is a passionate student of healing and transformation, studying modalities including biology, science, Chinese medicine, trauma healing, parts work, shadow work, self-inquiry, hypnosis, theta healing, emotional mastery, relationships, psychedelics, Spiral Dynamics, Gene Keys, psychology, and more, she has never lost sight of the fact that, for her, the real point of all this is love, connection, and friendship.

Today, Holly combines her vast knowledge and transformative methodologies and offers it all to her students so that they can apply it to their lives. Professionally, Holly is the founder of the 'Shadow Workers Academy' and is known for her cutting-edge 'Spirit-Psyche Integration' healing program.

"From the ashes, a fire shall be woken, a light from the shadows shall spring."

~ J.R.R. Tolkien

Investment Options & Payment Plans

In Full


Payment Plans


✓ Lifetime access to Spirit-Psyche Integration


✓ Ongoing live group therapy sessions (44+/year)


✓ 28 ​deep-dive SPI modules (*more coming)

✓ High quality video lessons & past recordings

✓Audio recordings & PDF's for each lesson

✓ 50+ recorded meditations (*more coming)

​ Comprehensive study-guides & homework exercises

✓ A new SPI manual for diagnostics & therapies

✓ Cutting edge tools and techniques for transformation

✓ Weekly practice sessions with other SPI students

✓ Access to a community of people doing the "work"

✓ Bonus teachings, resources & content


Estimated Total Value


*50% scholarship are available for all those participating in our 2025 research project (see below).

50% Scholarships for all those enrolling in our 2025 SPI Research Project

We are excited to announce our SPI research project starting in October 2024, focused on the transformative effects of SPI. We will be measuring a wide range of psychological and behavioral outcomes, including attachment style (ECR12), enneagram type type, the big 5, dark triad, locus of control, unconditional love, authenticity, spiritual wellbeing, group cohesion, cognitive flexibility, five-dimensional altered states of consciousness, ego dissolution, self-transcendence, and personality changes. 

In exchange for participating all students will receive a 50% scholarship. This is a unique opportunity to be part of a pioneering study that could redefine future approaches to healing and transformation for 50% of the normal investment. 

Who is this for

Spirit-Psyche Integration is for seekers, creatives, and healers with a profound desire to heal themselves and positively impact others. This includes, but is not limited to:

Healers & Therapists

  • ​Hypnotherapists

  • Acupuncturists

  • NLP Practitioners

  • Yoga Teachers

  • Mental Health Advocates

  • Coaches & Therapists

  • Psychedelic Therapists

  • Psychedelic Facilitators

  • Psychologists

  • Bodyworkers  

  • Massage Therapists

  • Movement Practitioners 

  • Teachers & Educators

  • Social Workers & Councillors 

  • Nurses and Nurse Practitioners

  • Emergency Medical Personnel

Spiritual Seekers

  • Sincere Spiritual Seekers

  • Modern-Day Yogis

  • Individuals on a Spiritual Quest

  • Those Seeking Self-Realization

  • Those Who Want to Heal

  • Aspiring Mystics

  • Psychonauts & Explorers

  • Devotees of Personal Liberation

  • Dedicated Meditators

  • Followers of Conscious Living

  • Spiritual Pilgrims

  • Enlightenment Seekers

  • Students of Ancient Wisdom

  • Mindfulness Practitioners

  • Spiritual Retreat Attendees

  • Those lining in a community


  • Producers

  • Artists

  • Writers

  • Musicians

  • Dancers

  • Filmmakers

  • Actors

  • Designers

  • Photographers

  • Creative Directors

  • Art Therapists

  • Poets

  • Performers

  • Playwrights

  • Illustrators

  • Composers

Application Process

Book a Call & Fill in the Application

Attend Your Call & See if SPI is For You

Choose Your Payment Plan

Begin the Onboarding Process



As part of SPI, you'll gain access to three valuable bonuses designed to enrich your learning experience and professional development.
1 / The Earth Game (Value $2,200):

A comprehensive 200-hour inner-work program, featuring teachings, 37 full-length meditations, and homework assignments that complement the SPI curriculum seamlessly. 

2 / Bonus #2, Coaching Fundamentals
(Value $1,100):

CF will equip you with eight essential coaching frameworks that will help you to structure your own transformational coaching sessions from start to finish. 

3 / Revive Business Fundamentals
(Value $3,300):

Revive covers topics such as identifying your core motivations, mastering storytelling and communication, and integrating fulfillment into marketing and sales strategies.

Training Logistics

Live Dojo’s

  • Live dojos will be held on Thursday's from 3pm to 6 pm (Costa Rica timezone)

  • All live classes are recorded and uploaded into SPI within 24 hours


Self Paced Modules

There are currently 28 modules in SPI. Each module contains videos, audio recordings, guided meditations, worksheets, and PDF’s for study.

Homework + Self-Study

Each week you’ll be encouraged to study 1 module of SPI within the comfort of your own home before joining your dojo. You can go over these modules as many times as you like. You will need to complete all modules, and attend at least 30 dojos, before you can take the assessment for certification.

How Level 1 Certification Works

To earn your Certificate of Self-Healing (Level 1), complete all 28 modules of SPI, participate in 30 dojo calls, pass the SPI assessment, and attend an interview. Upon graduation, you may apply for the 200-hour in-person SPI Facilitator Training to achieve your Level 2 Certificate and become a certified SPI Practitioner. Everything you need for Level 1 certification is inside of SPI.

Parts Work (2).png
  • What if I’ve never done any self-healing work before?
    Our program is designed for both beginners and those with prior experience. We provide step-by-step guidance to ensure you are comfortable and supported throughout your journey.
  • How much time do I need to dedicate to this program?
    We recommend dedicating approximately 6 hours to personal stude, and 3 hours for the dojo. The more you engage, the more you will benefit.
  • What are the dates of the program?
    We are taking enrollments now for our next (and final) live cohort starting in October 2024.
  • How much does the training cost?
    The investment for SPI is usually $8,888 USD, however all students enrolling in this final round will receive a 50% scholarship for being part of the research program. This simply requires that you fill in assessments at the beginning and end of the program. There are also long term payment plans for those who need financial support.
  • When are the live training classes?
    Live SPI classes will be held on Thursdays from 3pm - 6:00 pm Costa Rica time.
  • What do the live training classes cover?
    SPI's live dojos include teachings, demonstrations, group healing, Zoom room practice, Q&A sessions, supervision, and more, enhancing your practical understanding of trauma, parts work, inner-child work, exploring expanded states, spirituality, physiology, psychology, healing and integration.
  • Do I have to join the live training classes?
    Attending live classes is highly recommended for maximizing your learning and integration of SPI concepts but ‘no’, you don’t need to attend all the calls.
  • What are the time requirements for this certificate program?
    If you want to take the assessment for a ‘Self-Healing Certificate (Level 1), you’ll need to complete all 28 modules in SPI, attend at least 30 live dojos (and participate in them), pass the SPI assessment, and attend an interview.
  • What does Level 1 certification give me?
    The satisfaction that you completed 300 hours of self-healing work. It also opens up the door for your to attend the 200 hour, Level 2 SPI Facilitator Training. If you are already working with people, you can integrate everything you learn in SPI into your current practice. If you want to go ahead and start your own online business as a transformational therapist using all the tools and tehniques you have learned, you can.
  • What's the difference between Level 1 & Level 2 certification?
    Level 1: Self-Healing Certificate Duration: 300+ hours online Focus: This level is dedicated to self-healing and personal transformation, however, you will simultaneously learn all the essential tools and techniques required to become an expert transformational facilitator (if that is the direction you are desiring to go). Additionally, you will have access to 'ReVive,' a comprehensive resource to help you set up your own online transformational business. Upon completion, you'll have the opportunity to receive a Level 1 Self-Healing Certificate. Level 2: SPI Facilitator Training Certificate Duration: 200 hours in-person Focus: If you wish to become certified SPI facilitators, Level 2 offers an in-person training experience. This additional training is necessary to obtain the SPI Facilitator Training Certificate, allowing you to advertise yourself as qualified SPI Facilitator with 500 hours under your belt. While the certificate is not an official accreditation, it serves to uphold the high standards of the SPI program and ensure the quality of SPI facilitators out in the world.
  • Do I receive any 1:1 support during this program?
    SPI is designed as a group healing experience. In saying that you will receive 1-1 coaching from your peers during the dojo, and Holly often does 1-1 coaching demonstrations.
  • I have unintegrated trauma affecting my personal life. Will this training help me?
    Absolutely! The #1 focus of SPI is mastering your darkside, healing trauma, and ending your suffering. SPI is one if the best self-healing programs in the World.
  • Is this a certification program?
    No, SPI is currently not an industry-standard certification program.
  • Will there be Continuing Education (CE) Credits or Units (CEU) available?
    CEU's are not currently available for SPI but it is something we are looking at for the future.
  • Do you offer scholarships?
    Yes! SPI offers a limited number of 50% scholarships, along with payment plan options. Additionally, we do offer trades for affiliates & aligned ambassadors. To apply for a scholarship, please book a call.
  • What is your Refund Policy?
    We do not offer refunds for SPI. For information on our Cancellation and Refund Policy, please refer to our ‘Terms & Conditions’ page.
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